Monday, March 3, 2008

It's a Small World

Yes, it is a small world - my world, that is. I am embarrassed to talk with my friends because I literally have nothing to say unless you want to discuss my adorable son or American Idol. That's right folks, American Idol. It is amazing that Colton doesn't think Ryan Seacrest is his father because he heard his voice as much as Clark's while in utero. I listened to Ryan's radio show every morning on the LONG drive to work. Now, thank goodness, American Idol allows Colton to hear his alternative dad's voice three nights a week.
I think it is very sad but I absolutely cannot wait for Tuesday night when I can watch the show again. Whenever anyone comes to visit me, I offer them a viewing of the most recent show that I of course have Tivo'd. (Warning, you may not want to visit me!) And in case you're wondering, I love David Archuletta and Michael Johns - watch the show!
Anyway, I just thought I would share this/confess this to you all. If you are a friend and haven't heard from me much lately, it is not just that I am busy with my baby but also that I am shamelessly boring. I don't want to be "that person" who only talks about her baby (and American Idol).

1 comment:

Kari and Randy Adopt said...

I didn't know I could be close friends with someone who likes Ryan Seacrest. I'm sure Colton will recover after a lot of therapy though. :D

I'm good with your other main topic though. Anytime you want to talk about Colton, count me in!

Dinner with Tracey and Amber