Here is the latest on little Colton based on Monday's one month check up. When I say "little" Colton, I mean it! Unfortunately our little guy is not beefing up the way he needs to. In fact, he was born 7lbs7oz and he is now only 7lbs13oz after 4.5 weeks of life. Our pediatrician says he should be gaining 1 oz a day at this point and he only gained 6 oz in 19 days. Colton is in the 4th percentile for weight for a baby of his age. (That means only 4% of kids his age weigh less than him). He is in the 25th percentile for height, having grown only .25 inches. He is in the 6th percentile for his head circumference.
For the past two weeks, Colton has been breastfeeding really "well" but it has been tough because he will try to feed for 1.5 hours or more and he is constantly "rooting" for food. He often chokes or needs a break because he is gasping for air. Mealtimes are not the most fun! Doc says Colton's lazy voicebox or narrow trachea are not allowing him to suck efficiently enough to get all the food he needs. Also, he is having too many bowel movements and seems to be losing the nourishment as soon as he takes it in. Doc thinks he may be lactose intolerant.
So we are now supplementing every other feeding with soy formula and giving him lactaid drops before each feeding. We will return for a special visit this Friday to check on his weight. Our goal is for him to gain 2 oz by Friday. A tall order for our little guy! Please keep him in your prayers, we need to get to the bottom of this very soon. It's very puzzling and it's like I told Colton - "Your parents don't have any trouble gaining weight...where did you get this trait?" We are confident in our pediatrician's ability to monitor and care for Colton so we aren't too worried yet, but we feel bad for our son (who is probably hungry all the time!)
This last picture shows how he is growing older. Do you notice it? We do, but then again, we are with him all the time.
He does look a bit older, yes. Definitely smarter and more in love with his parents too. :)
What a cutie!! We'll remember Colton in our prayers this week. I hope you and the doc can find some solutions and get that little guy beefing up. It takes a while for those little digestive systems to get this whole eating/digesting thing on track. Hang in there - Love, H
Colton is so adorable! I love the smile in this first picture. I hope you hear good news tomorrow. You will be in our prayers.
Hang in there, sister. We will be praying for Colton. I love that last picture...he has such beautiful eyes.
Let us know how his appt. went.
Love you!
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