Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More Positive

I'm trying to be more positive. Right now it is tough. I feel like I'm drowning. I'm reading a book called "A Complaint Free World" and it is great....but challenging. I am such a negative complainer. In all fairness to me, I often feel like I have a lot to complain about (haha, I don't). I genuinely feel that positivity brings about the positive.

I've got a new motto: "Get your hopes up". Usually we say the opposite but I feel that not getting your hopes up can sometimes be a lack of trusting in the Lord. While He doesn't always give us what we want exactly, He always gives us what we need. What is best for us and His kingdom. Anyway, I'm trying to get my hopes up about stuff but this is harder than it sounds. Getting your hopes up means trusting in the Lord with ALL your heart to do what you need Him to do. It means allowing yourself to be so vulnerable that you are not afraid to feel hopeful for what you desire. It means believing in what you want so much that you are shameless about your hope. Its okay to hope and not get what you want. We all have wants and its okay. The best thing is that God knows better - He knows what you need.


Anonymous said...

That is extremely encouraging. I've been extremely negatively lately, and have been praying to be more positive. I constantly complain about my job and try in earnest to remind myself that it's a blessing to have a job and there are many positives in my job.
Thanks for the post, it encourages me to trust in God and to lean on Him when I have tough days.

Tiffany said...

I love this idea, and am working on incorporating it ever since you told me to. You've got a lot of wisdom.

Dinner with Tracey and Amber