Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Colton's First Trip to Hawaii

Colton and I traveled to Hawaii just for the long weekend. We went so his grandpa and grandma could get a "Colton fix" and I could say goodbye to my Uncle Sonny who is living his last days with lung cancer. We had a nice visit and I was able to see my uncle who looks very thin and sick but will soon be in a better place.
Dad is absolutely in love with Colton and Colton loved him! It's easy to love the little guy because he basically laughs and smiles all the time. Here he is in his super cool sunglasses.
Grandma Beth loved having a baby in the house. She was even willing to wash all the bottles, bowls and spoons we used!
My dad gave Colton his first taste of poi and he LOVED it. I call it "crack poi" now because he couldn't get enough of it. Best of all for me - after he ate poi he slept longer and better than ever!
I was a little worried about the airplane and his ears but he was fine. He laughed and smiled the entire plane ride (and slept some of the time too). On the way home we sat next to the women's volleyball teams from Penn State and UCLA. The girls fell in love with Colton and he got passed around the airplane (which was nice for mommy too). All in all, Colton loved his trip to Hawaii.
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Holly said...

Looks like fun! I am not at all surprised that Colton is a smiley, contented, people-loving guy. Just look at his parents. Glad you enjoyed the trip. Also, just want to say that we're thrilled with your new job, Tami, and so thankful that God provided you a way to be with Colton more and not have such an awful commute. We miss you guys!

Kari and Randy Adopt said...

I'm so glad you reminded me to check your blog. I actually don't remember the lat time I looked at a friend's blog! Anyway, good to "hear" about Hawaii. Glad that God provided helpers for you on your journey home. And I know how great it is to have someone else take over bottle and bowl washing. That is almost the best thing about being with Seth's grandparents!

From earlier posts, I have to point out two favorite pics. Hard to choose among such a photogenic subject. Loved the jeans, no shirt, high chair look. And you must frame the pic of one of you holding Colton in the air, blue sky above him. It's precious and beautiful.

Love to all three of you peppered with continual prayers for God's presence and guidance in your lives.


Anonymous said...

Aloha Tami - Colton is such a cutie, pure joy! Was just checking in to see how all was. still want to make lunch plans with you and really catch up when we both can make time for it. miss you at the office but that is far outweighed by my happiness for you.

Dinner with Tracey and Amber