Friday, February 23, 2007

My Big Blog Debut

Well I'm in! I'm in the blog world, that is. I had the most wonderful dinner with my friends from college, Amber and Tracey, and much talk surrounded "the blogs". Although I'm not sure I can post often enough to keep you all happy, I will at least try it for a bit. I'm torn between sharing my thoughts and sharing my life stories. I think I will mix it up! And since I recently started the Atkins diet and I'm on carb-rage all the time...things might get interesting...

And for my first thought: Isn't it really interesting how friends from college are really different kinds of friends from every other stage of life? I mean, they know you better than anyone else. In high school you have friends that you don't really know because you don't even know yourself that well. If a friendship continues, you can grow together and learn each other which is great. But friends from college were with you all day and ALL NIGHT! And you played pranks with them and cried with them and double-dated with them. They seem to know you, the core of you, better than anyone else. And friends you meet after college are wonderful, but it is hard to find those "it" friends - where you can connect intellectually, spiritually, relationally and have fun together. And then it is hard to find the time!! I realized all this at dinner and I'm so thankful for my college experience and my wonderful friends (from every stage of life).

I can't wait for you all to join me on this journey. If nothing else, it will help us connect better across the miles or mile if you live near me.


Tiffany said...

Yay for blogs. And for blog friends. And for old friends. I can't wait to see you Thursday!

Becky said...

Hey sweet Tamalani! = )
OK, so I got a new account here b/c i haven't been on here in a loooong time. i have a Yahoo blog but I will try to get this one going to. I would love to catch up w/ everyone!
I'm so glad you got to have a dinner w/ Amber and Tracey. Next time you visit SD, let me know so we can have lunch

Becky said...

I think the link you have to my blog is missing the Y in Becky, so here is the correct link so you can change it when you get a sec. I still need to add pics and a blog to it- LOL!

Welcome! said...

Yay! Welcome to the blog world! I am so happy for you to join! I will check often and harrass when you don't update frequently enough. Ha! It was so good having dinner with you this weekend. I completely agree with your thoughts on college friends. There is just something there that will forever connect me in a special way to that group of people. Happy blogging and let's get together again soon!

Love you girl!

Dinner with Tracey and Amber